From The Director
Dear AC families,
It is my absolute honour to be able to welcome you to the Academic Year 2024. You will know that this year AC turns 16, and together we will be able to further drive our school on a journey towards continued excellence while educating our young people for an evolving world. Last year we underwent a process of evolution , growth and development, taking on board everything that was learned in the pandemic experience.
This year we will continue to grow from this experience taking on board all the best parts and the changes that have helped us and leaving behind the things which were challenging, moving forward with new knowledge, skills and understanding. Thank you for your commitment to differentiation, inclusion and, as always, to child protection/safeguarding.
This year we expect to have a normal” experience at school, bringing back many of the opportunities and experiences which had been lost due to the pandemic. We look forward to celebrating together for International Day, concerts, assemblies, and more.
As we embark upon this new school year, I would like to remind all families of some important recommendations:
Check the school calendar frequently and make sure you are aware of up-coming assemblies, flag raisings, conferences, jeans days, and other important events.
Check Control Academic frequently, especially on Fridays when we publish our Need to Read News, we are trying to keep all communication centralised to this document so reading it will keep you in the loop!
CEAC is committed to sustainable development, and has made great strides to become as paperless as possible. Please help us in this noble cause and in our efforts to make efficient use of all scarce resources.
We encourage open communication. If you have a concern, please follow the appropriate communication channels so that we can support you.
CEAC is a unique community of people and as such I ask you all to take a moment to reflect on what CEAC is to you and what it is to our wider community:
CEAC is a very special place, filled with people who understand that what unites us is our diversity - and that we need each other and our differences in order to fully flourish. Our Mission, Vision, Enduring Goals and Foundation Blocks underpin everything we stand for and do on a daily basis - and were the creation of representatives of all stakeholders within our community.
Our school is very democratic in how we make many decisions, and the most recent creation of our five-year vision is a reflection of that. This ensures that CEAC does not change direction due to the opinion or personality of one person, or minority group. We listen to opinions from our students, staff and families, and I would like to assure you that our doors are always open should you wish to talk about what we do and how we do it.
CEAC is a "No Bully Zone". This does not mean that bullying does not take place, but when it does we follow our robust anti-bullying policy in order to restore the peace in our community. For this to function, we need to work as a team and ensure that if we find out that someone is bullying, or being bullied, that the information is passed on to someone at school immediately.
CEAC is a safe space where everyone is made to feel welcome, is treated with respect, and is accepted for who they are. This behaviour must be modelled by all of our community members, not because it is a "rule" but because it is what we know to be right.
CEAC is dynamic. We are thrilled to have so many new members join us this year, and I know that in no time at all the returning students, parents and staff will have made them feel a part of the CEAC family. Welcome to you all.
CEAC is ours. We need to protect what we have and share all of the amazing things that take place with each other. Please do follow us on Social Media when you would like to highlight something amazing that your children do at school. (Remember that whatever you write online is permanent, so ensure what you are posting is factual, respectful, and that you have the appropriate permissions if you will post a photo - and never use a student's full name). If you have a concern, please rather come and speak to any member and do not post it online. Please also be respectful when using WhatsApp as a means of communicating with each other. Again, if you have a concern and it is shared in WhatsApp it can unnecessarily ignite anxiety in people. It is much better to go straight to the source of your concern to ask questions and find a solution.
Please also consider the frequency and amount of messages that are sent, including being respectful of the time of day that they are being sent. Remember that every single member of the CEAC team wakes up with positive intentions every single morning, and a burning desire to provide the best learning possible for our children and students, and that what unites us all is wanting the best for all of our young people. Thank you.
Finally, CEAC is our home. I hope you feel welcome, included, and that your children have the best learning experiences inside and outside of their classrooms.
Thank you for choosing to be a part of AC’s story! With warm wishes,
Miss Nancy Acero Arango Mister Mario Alexander Jaulin
Director CEO